Most Effective and Easiest way to be free from Diseases: Copper Tongue Scrapping

The effective and easiest way to keep oneself fit and free from Diseases: Copper Tongue Scrapping

The ancient Ayurvedic recommendation of tongue scraping is one that is often overlooked. There are many benefits to this daily practice as far as oral health, and overall physical, mental, and spiritual health. Since the oral cavity is one of the main gateways between your mind/body and the environment, maintaining the health of this connection is critical to general well-being.

In the Charaka Samhita, an early Ayurvedic text, it says that by cleaning the tongue, “(this) removes foul smell, tastelessness … and by taking out dirt coated on the tongue, teeth and mouth brings relish immediately.” No doubt, people who clean their tongue on a daily basis can validate the invigorating effects this practice has. In fact, by removing the coating and stimulating the tongue this helps to balance the heavy and dulling qualities of Kapha dosha in your physiology.

Scraping the tongue daily with Granny Delights Copper Tongue cleaner removes any build-up on the tongue, which, if left untreated, can lead to bad breath and may house a significant number of bacteria. This simple practice is a direct way of removing Ama from your physiology. In Ayurveda, Ama refers to any accumulation of toxic residue in the mind-body. This can result from improper eating, poor digestion, or a reflection of an imbalance somewhere in the gastrointestinal system.

In addition, from an Ayurvedic perspective, by removing this coating you improve your ability to taste your food, which makes it more satisfying. By increasing your taste reception, not only do you eat less, you also eliminate the need to add more sugar, salt, or excessive spice to the food to make it more flavorful. Many of the beneficial phytonutrients and “body signals” that your food contains are first interpreted by the mind-body upon contact with receptors on the tongue. You want to improve this communication between your food and your body by removing any coating that is interfering with that connection. Also, many herbs have their beneficial effects from the initial contact with receptors on the tongue. Hence, you need a clear tongue to receive this healthy information.

The tongue is the mirror to all the organs of the body, and thus, a daily look at the tongue prior to scraping gives you a clue to your general health. In Ayurveda, a good tongue examination is a useful way of evaluating the health of the entire body. When you examine your tongue, it’s an opportunity for self-awareness, where you can reflect on the choices of the last several days, months, or years and see how those choices have affected your health. If a thick coating is noted, you are accumulating toxicity. By noting this, it gives you the opportunity to become more self-aware and make new, healthier choices.

The tongue scraper (or tongue cleaner) dates back to ancient times in India, but its benefits – especially the promotion of fresh breath and oral hygiene – have recently gained a lot of attention in the West. Using a tongue scraper stands to reward anyone willing to give it a try, and it is worth understanding the advantages a tongue scraper has to offer your overall health and wellbeing.

Benefits of Using a Tongue Scraper

  • Clears toxins & bacteria from the tongue
  • Helps remove coating on the tongue that leads to bad breath
  • Helps eliminate undigested food particles from the tongue
  • Enhances the sense of taste
  • Promotes overall oral & digestive health
  • Gently stimulates the internal organs
  • Improves working of hormonal system
  • Increases your awareness of your state of health
  • Restore good metabolic system
  • Helpful in breathing problems

What Kind of Tongue Scraper to Use

The Charaka Samhita states that “tongue scrapers should be made of gold, silver, copper, tin and brass and should be non-sharp and curved, so as not to injure the tongue”.

This article is taken from Ganny Delights


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Nishant Joshi

Nishant Joshi

is a National level Sportsman and a certified Fitness, Nutrition & Wellness Expert with Master ‘s degree in Exercise Science (Corrective Exercises). PG Diploma in Therapeutic Nutrition. Bachelors in PE and Sports Sciences. Yoga Therapy Instructor Course from SVYASA. Certificate in Group Exercise (ACE). Certificate in Aerobics ( AFAA). Certificate in Mind conditioning and Pranic Energizing Technique - PET. Certificate in Energy Channelization and SMET - Stress Management. Art of Living Instructor Course . Meditation course from Preksha Meditation. Course in Vedanta under guidance of Swami Dayanand Saraswati, Coimbatore. Course in Cyclic Meditation under guidance of Shri Dr Nagendra.